"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and BE GLAD..." Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Birthdays!

To help keep the germs away from our house with the new baby we had Lauren's 6th birthday at Kids Gone Wild-bounce place (thank you Mom and Scott!) Lauren had a mix of friends from Lincoln and some school friends. It was lot of fun!

Daniel and Lauren sharing a birthday sunday at Red Robin.

Daniel with his favorite cake-ice cream! We were able to sneak out for a movie while my dad entertained the little man and Paige and Andrew entertained the girls. Thank you guys!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Family Fun

A fun visit from my Dad, Paige, and Andrew!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

The newest little Turner...

...Nathan Daniel Turner!

November 30th 2009


7 pounds 12 ounces 21 inches

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Shannon's Feast Day at Preschool

Thanksgiving Performance

So this year was not a traditional Thanksgiving for us. Daniel got the H1N1 shot the day before and came down with an 104.o degree fever and was sick in bed, so it was just the girls and I as my mom and Scott were not due to come in until the next day to help the week of little Nathan's birth. The plan was to wait to cook the turkey until they got here but decided (out of bordom and tradition) to cook the feast at almost 39 weeks pregnant and with a cold. Probably a bad idea as I had some back labor that weekend while visiting with my family and ended up with a fever in bed the Saturday before the scheduled c-section. Even though our family was fighting off infection and germs we had a lot to be thankful for and a lot we were anticipating to be thankful for.

Psalm 118

1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Great Escape!

My friend Anne since the 7th grade was able to escape and fly down to spend the weekend with us! The girls LOVE her and wanted to keep her! After a night at the homestead we headed into San Fran the next morning and enjoyed a busy day of sight seeing and shopping. You'd think I could have gotten a decent picture of the 2 of us but maybe I can find a good old pic to scan :) We rounded the day w/ dinner at The Stinking Rose which turned out to be garlic overload but washed it down with some gellato on the walk back to the car :) Thank you friend for the memories and a much needed break before my life becomes crazy wild with 3 kids!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Duck Park Adventures

We have been enjoying some mild November weather so every chance it's not windy we try to head outside and get some sunshine! On base there is a great duck park/playground. Here are some pictures from a day Lauren was at school and Shannon did not have preschool.
Here ducky ducky....

...oh you are getting too close I think.

And she's off.....

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fall Projects and Prizes

Lauren's school had a coloring contest for Red Ribbon Week and she got 2nd place out of over 100 kindergardeners! Can you feel her excitement?

The hospital offers a free Sibling Class so the girls got baby care 101 and enjoyed diapering their stuffed animals and learning how to be big sister!
For fun we made Monster Cookie Jar Mixes for friends and Lauren's teacher...

...and made some messy (I mean fun) pinecone birdfood treats

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Caleb, Tyler, Lauren, Shannon, Evan, and Justin

The girls trick or treating with Laney, Phoebe, Claire, and Brandon

A quick hello to our friend's the Lokowich Family.

Halloween Day we headed to Lincoln to visit with friends before trick or treating only to be suprised with a suprise baby shower at the Matthiessens!

...more pictures to come!