"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and BE GLAD..." Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Baby Chicks

Today we spent the morning with our friends the Bryans....they just moved back to Lincoln after a year in Redding. The girls had a great time holding their new baby chicks, petting their adorable cat, feeding neighbor horses and petting two cute dogs.....my girls LOVE pets and ask for a pet almost daily so I look forward to the future when we can own a house again and be able to have a pet! Until then we can get our animal fill from our friend's pets!
Here are a few fun pics of the day. :)

Bye bye Crib!

Saturday we were cleaning house for company Sunday and Daniel was busy offering to help with things so I took advantage of the opportunity and had him take down the top bunk in Lauren's room and put the bed together in Shannon's after taking the crib apart. Shannon was not so thrilled with the idea and kept crying "I don't want to be a big girl, I want to be a baby in my baby bed!"...but after one look at her assembled new bed with sheets and all her kitty's she was happy as a clam :)

Here is to the next chapter of our lives......no children in cribs! Its been over 4 years since our house has not had a crib in it! ... I wonder how long this will last :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Breakfast Parfaits
Opening Valentine's from Grandparents
Nothing Beats the Dollar Store for Balloons!
Puppet Theater-compliments of the Shraders
Lauren telling Shannon a story

Fruits and Veggies

One of my passions has always been health education but it was not until after Lauren was born that I became even more interested in feeding her a healthy varied diet. Looking back I am sure my poor diet during pregnancy contributed to Lauren's low birth weight and overall 9 months of nasea during pregnancy. But you cannot change the past, only the present so today I wanted to share about the importance of fruits and vegetables.

Chronic diseases are influenced by a variety of factors. Heredity, stress, environmental toxins (fumes from factories, cars, chemicals), exercise, and diet all play significant roles in our overall health and well being. Since most people are not able or going to retreat to living back in a country setting growing their own gardens in untapped, rich soil, and avoiding all the fumes and exposure to everyday chemicals in city life our choices about personal wellness have to become more purposeful and focused. Easy ways to help prevent or lessen your chances of chronic disease is through proper diet, exercise, and avoidance of using and breathing harmful products to clean with because if your body has a strong immune system, you are less susepible to sickness and disease. The best way to boost your immune sytem is through eating superfoods...foods with high nutrient content like blueberries. By eating a varied diet rich in all colors of the rainbow you are safe-gaurding your body so that it will be able to fight disease and viruses and stay as healthy as possible since other factors like stress and the environment cannot always be controlled. Another easy way to help the immune system is lower your intake of refined sugar since it lowers your immune functions...

Here is a shopping list to hep vary your families diets:

Keep Your Diet Colorful with This Grocery List
Bring this to the store and pick up at least 2 items from each color every week!*
Red__tomatoes__watermelon__cherries__cranberries__strawberries__raspberries__pomegranates__pink grapefruit__beets__red peppers__radishes__radicchio__red potatoes__red apples__rhubarb White-green__leeks__garlic__chives__bananas__brown pears__dates__cauliflower__ginger__mushrooms__onions__parsnips__shallots__scallions__turnips
Blue-purple__blackberries__blueberries__black currants__dried plums__elderberries__purple figs__red grapes__plums__raisins__red cabbage__eggplant__purple peppers

peaches__persimmons__pineapple__tangerines__squash__carrots__yellow peppers__pumpkin__rutabagas__sweet potatoes

Yellow-green__avocados__green apples__green grapes__honeydew melon__kiwifruit__limes__green pears__artichokes__arugula__asparagus__broccoli__Brussels sprouts__cabbage__celery__cucumbers__endive__leafy greens__green onions__okra__peas__green peppers__snow peas__sugar snap peas__spinach__watercress__zucchini

Here are some fun websites with recipies and fruit and veggie facts:




Another interesting site to visit is to see how polluted it is where you live by zipcode..it looks at air and ground pollution.


Also check out the stats from the following article:

"Cancer Strikes 1 in 2 Men and 1 in 3 Women "


The statics are not good but our God is good and gave us the tools we need to take care of our bodies and our families bodies.

A great book on the topic is by Dr. Ray "From Here to Longevity"


Trying to summarize everything I have read on this topic would take an entire blog so I will try to throw some points out there to ponder (and not that I follow this plan to a tee but they are goals to strive for)

1. Add FRESH fruits and vegetables to your families diet (raw, presticide-free fruits and veggies are best because they have the most nutrients. A light steam is 2nd best to raw but many nutrients and vitamins are lost. Microwaving loses the greatest amount of nutrients, then there are canned which do not have that many vitamins and minerals left plus additives to help them stay preserved. So eat fresh, then frozen, then canned last but some is better than none! Strive for 5-9 a day.

2. Get regular exercise (and some out in the sunshine so you can absorb some vitamin D!) Kids especially need to be outsite...let the sun soak into their heads! My mom was watching a show where this dr. was saying we over use sunglasses and sunglasses prevent our bodies from adjusting to the rays so that is why many get burnt because their eyes could not adjust to the change in UV......(long sun exposure and things like skiiing etc you need to protect your eyes but give it a try to not always wear sunglasses outside :) Oh yes I was talking exercise....strive for 30 a day.....this week I have 0...I dropped my gym membership and need a little motivation but will get it back! Mix cardio with something like Pilates and Yoga. Cardio and Weights.

3. Eliminate Processed foods (especially sandwich meats with nitrates, and the foods your familiy eats regurarly that have tons of additives and preservatives. We love trades joes and even walmart has organic options you just have read your food labels!

4. Drink more water. Some day when we can afford it I want a whole house water purifier....you would not believe the stuff that passes through our water systems.....birth control, so estrogen....things women have way too much of thanks to our modern world and pollution. I can only wonder what this hormone distrupter and exposure has done to babies in the womb....enough said.

5. Find healthier options for house hold cleaners......baking soda is a great cleaner...... say addios to bleach (for most things). I like to use a large liquid cleaner from costco for the girls clothes and bedding....did you know our skin is like a sponge and absorbs everything we put on it (check out your families lotions, soaps, etc.....) I started w/ the kids since their bodies are smaller and moe suseptible to absorbing chemicals then have only changed a few of my things like lotion, toothpaste to Tom's, and soap...if you start w/ the best big changes the small changes can come later.

6. Make sure your family gets good sources of Omega 3 and 6's....free range organic brown eggs have the proper ratio versus regular white eggs for your omagas. I add flax to all my baking goods and use whole wheat flour which is rich in the B vitamins unlike processed white. (Cut out white flour when all possible). Also sugar can be substitited when baking for honey, applesauce for oil. etc.

7. Eat out less or order healthier menu options. I read somewhere that Burgerking has a great veggie burger.

8. Cut out hydrogenated oils (choose organice or natural peanut butter...the kind you stir when buying and refridgerate). Check all packaged food labels for this. Some states like New Jersey made a law to have restarants cut it out of their cooking practices!

9. Manage stress....

10. Supplement with whole food nutrition like a whole food supplement (we use Juice Plus) or visit your local health foods store like Whole Food or Wild Oats and get a quality whole food supplement AND Fish Oil Supplement. A few times a week, when I remember, the girls get a kid version, 1/2 teaspoon of Cod Liver Oil (omega's) for brain function. Its key. Even Dr. Sears is selling his own Omega 3 chews and he is up to snuff on children's nutrition.

11. Get enough sleep. Did you know not getting enough sleep takes years off your life?

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

Here is to a healthy 2008!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sun and Sledding

Yesterday we had quite an adventure. We went with our friends the Matthiessens and the Lockowichs down towards Lake Tahoe (Yuba Gap) and had a full day of adventure, sledding, and drama...it's hard to fully enjoy the snow when you are two, your boots won't stay on, you can't walk very well and you don't like wearing gloves, BUT we still managed to have a good time. The lowlight of the day was 10 minutes before heading out Daniel called to say the tube popped when he went to strap it to the top of the van (not a problem we are use to when going to play in the snow in Oregon, but a problem when the weather is in the mid 60's and sunny in California :) After an hour of driving to a few stores we found a replacement tube (2x the cost of the previous one) and we were off...

After a day of mishaps we are ready to give it a try next weekend with more friends....that is if the snow does not melt away first!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Best Friends....

have you seen my couch cushins?
a present for baby bear (this project took the girls over 45 minutes all orchestrated by big sis....
princesses for an hour (a daily gig)
a princess tea party (picture complimentary of the waitress)
These days Lauren and Shannon are two peas in a pod. From morning to goodnight kisses the girls are side kicks. When one is napping or away, they miss each other to pieces. As long as little sis follows big sis's lead..there are no ruffled feathers....but occasionally little sis has her mind made up and Lauren is learning to adjust to an opinion other than her own. As for me, I am learning to let the girls work out their squabbles (within reason) and save my assistance for conflict resolution (yes! a new title to add to my dusty resume..."hostile conflict resolution").
I wonder what life will be like when Lauren starts preschool this fall...perhaps Miss Shannon will learn what she likes and not just what sissy tells her she likes :) I thank God for this special time of sisterly love and pray they will always keep eachother close at heart.