"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and BE GLAD..." Psalm 118:24

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Caleb, Tyler, Lauren, Shannon, Evan, and Justin

The girls trick or treating with Laney, Phoebe, Claire, and Brandon

A quick hello to our friend's the Lokowich Family.

Halloween Day we headed to Lincoln to visit with friends before trick or treating only to be suprised with a suprise baby shower at the Matthiessens!

...more pictures to come!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin Patches and The BIG Corn Maze!

We invited friends down to experience the "world's largest corn maze" at Cool Pumpkin Patch in Dixon, Ca....I assumed we would take the shortest route and tool around considering it was 6 kids, 3 moms-including my pregnant belly, and one navigating Daddy! Silly me....Daniel had us trucking through the corn maze for what seemed like FOREVER only to find out were were 1/3 of the way through and the little kids (Phoebe and Shannon, including myself) were melting and running out of steam) so we had to make a grand escape and walk around the outside of the maze near the main road to get back to the car :) The older kids had a GREAT time and wish we could have taken them back but the corn maze blew down in a crazy wind storm a week after we went so that was our exciting corn maze experience for the year :)

...unfortunately you could not take the wagon's into the maze but the kids enjoyed the ride to the pumpkins!

The day of that crazy sideways blowing rain storm (which I guess is "normal weather" down here) the girls got to try out their new raincoats from Grandma Lee and boy were they much needed! Just getting out of the car to meet Lauren off the bus had my jeans soaked that day with a raincoat on!) Living near Troutdale Oregon I knew rain could blow sideways but this is monsoon weather...like a wild tropical storm....should be good times when baby boy joins us!

Shannon's preschool visited a cute rustic pumpkin patch called SilverBend in West Sacramento. Since Daniel was at work Lauren had a "sick day" and joined us (so worth it!) The highlight of the trip was trying to carry 3 free pumpkins from the patch to the car pregnant w/o a wagon. One of Shannon's classmates dad was kind enough to carry his families pumpkins plus one of ours. His wife was even more pregnant than myself and they had a baby in stroller in tow...made for an exhausting hike to the car....if labor was going to come early that would have been the day!

The girls LOVEd this hay maze you could walk on or inside.

Shannon and one of her new friends Nicholas (whom she makes paper hearts for weekly) :)

Getting ready to ride the train!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Since our new church in town has Awana's I thought it would be a great way for the girls to make some new friends and learn some more bible verses! Each Tuesday night they go to their classes and play games, do crafts and recite their verse for the week which helps them earn badges for their vests. Lauren is in Sparky's and Shannon is a Cubbie (Bear). Lauren decided Baby Bear needed a vest too so here she is posing the morning after getting her vest with the vest she made for her favorite toy (still) Baby Bear!
The girls modeling their new vests.
